Russellville Housing Authority
115 S Denver Ave Russellville, Arkansas 72801
(479) 968-5440

Maintenance Department

About Russellville Housing Authority

The Russellville Housing Authority's mission is to provide safe, decent, and sanitary housing conditions for very low-income families and to manage resources efficiently. We are here to promote personal, economic and social upward mobility to provide families the opportunity to make the transition from subsidized to non-subsidized housing. 

 The Russellville Housing Authority (RHA) is Equal Opportunity Housing public organization founded in 1963. It is governed by a 5 member Board of Commissioners which establishes policies, under which the RHA conducts business and ensures that those policies are followed by the RHA staff. The Board is responsible for preserving and expanding the agency's resources and assuring the agency's continued viability and success. The principal staff member of the RHA is the Executive Director (ED), who is selected and hired by the board. The ED oversees the day to day operations of the RHA and is directly responsible for carrying out the policies established by the commissioners.